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Petty v. Dekalb County

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In Brief

The Court found that Deklab County’s decision to terminate two of its employees was motivated by their disclosure that the County did not properly report sanitary sewer overflows.  As such, the Court ordered reinstatement, backpay, and compensatory damages.

What Happened in Court

Two employees – Daisy Abdur-Rahman and Ryan Petty – disclosed to County’s Codes and Ordinance Committee concerns that the county was not properly reporting sanitary overflows. Despite protestations from their supervisors that they should, in effect, “let it go,” Abrud-Rahman and Petty continued to disclose their concerns and were terminated.  The ARB found that the supervisor’s decision was, at least in part, motivated by Abrud-Rahman’s and Petty’s disclosures and ordered that they be reinstated and provided back-pay and compensatory damages.