Whistleblower Law Blog

GAP Report Seeks Overhaul of Corporate Whistleblower Protection Laws

In a report titled, “Running the Gauntlet:  The Campaign for Credible Corporate Whistleblower Rights,” the Government Accountability Project (GAP) calls for an overhaul of whistleblower protection laws for corporate and other private sector employees.  The report documents the need to continue to pass sector-by-sector whistleblower laws and suggests strategies for a “treacherous legal landscape” that corporate whistleblowers encounter in pursuing retaliation claims.  According to the report, Congress is moving in the right direction by passing best practices laws like the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act of 2008 to restore corporate free speech protection.  To read the full report, click here.  For more information about legislation designed to strengthen protections for corporate whistleblowers, click here


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